Joe Robert Cole In Talks To Write Black Panther Movie


It’s being reported Joe Robert Cole is currently in talks with Marvel to write the Black Panther movie.

It’s also said that, contradictory to an earlier report, no director is currently in contention as Marvel is waiting on the Black Panther script to be completed.

The news comes from The Wrap who states Cole is nearing a deal to write Black Panther for Marvel.

Joe Robert Cole is known for the indie flick Amber Lake and wrote a draft of Inhumans as part of the 2009 Marvel Writers Group that also saw Nicole Perlman draft a script for Guardians of the Galaxy.

Black Panther has a July 6, 2018 release with Chadwick Bosemann starring as T’Challa and set to first appear in Captain America: Civil War next May. Andy Serkis is also thought to be reprising his Age of Ultron role as Ulysses Klaue.

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