Jason Momoa Says The Flash is The Best In Justice League


Following yesterday's Justice League Q&A, Jason Momoa takes part in a "First, Best, Last, Worst" video with THR.

Jason Momoa shows off his reaction to meeting both Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot for the first time; Momoa mentions that the best member of the Justice League is Ezra Miller as the Flash: "He's like my little brother."; Momoa also says he likes to pull pranks on the set of Justice League, which is his worst habit on the set: "Uhhh… picking on people. Pulling pranks and like hurting people. Maybe. That'll work. Basically being an a-hole."

Jason Momoa stars in Justice League, which has a November 17, 2017 release; Aquaman hits October 5, 2018. 

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