Jared Leto Wants To Make His Joker The Best Version


Jared Leto has some mighty big shoes to fill as he follows the likes of Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson as The Joker in Suicide Squad.

Leto has already taken a step in the right direction by getting his locks cut in addition to a shave.

Now according to the Hollywood Life gossip site, Leto plans on making his version of The Joker the best ever.

“He wants to make the character completely his own,” a source said. “He knows that this role may be his most difficult ever, but he is confident that he will make his version of the Joker the best. This Joker will be more cerebral and comedic than what we have seen before, nobody should expect a copycat version. It’s going to be awesome!”

The source also says Leto is well aware of his predecessors, but isn’t looking to upset their portrayals: “Jared wants to make sure his Joker is not only something the fans will love, but he doesn’t want to step on the toes of Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger.”

Regarding Leto’s Joker, we may have clues as Leto’s hairdresser posted an image on Instagram of green hair dye, obviously signifying Leto’s hair will be possibly bright-ish green.

Another clue comes from Leto himself as the actor posted an image with his new clean-cut look and hand over one eye. While some may think it’s a reference to the All-Seeing Eye of the Illuminati/Lucifer (Miley Cyrus does this a lot), it actually may be a reference to Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel that inspired Batman Vs. Superman. The comic sees the Joker get hit in the eye with a Batarang.

Check out the hairdresser pic with the green dye:

And the Jared Leto image followed by The Joker in The Dark Knight Returns (note: it’s the same eye in both pics):

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