James Gunn Rumored To Go Goofy With Suicide Squad 2


Following have been fired from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 over “indefensible” tweets joking about pedophilia, James Gunn has moved to the direct competition where he is tackling Suicide Squad 2, but a new rumor offers that Gunn may simply be taking a Marvel Studios goofy approach to the characters.

The rumor comes from DanielRPK on Twitter who claims the details he has heard about Suicide Squad 2 are not good.

“I’m really mad at the direction they’re heading with Suicide Squad 2. I loved the first Guardians of the Galaxy, but I don’t want to see that version of the Suicide Squad. I liked the more Mad Max inspired take I heard they wanted to go in before hiring James Gunn,” DanielRPK tweeted.

A fan then questioned about the direction of Suicide Squad 2.

“Simple, GotG, just not in space,” DanielRPK replied.

Another fan remarked that it shouldn’t be assumed James Gunn’s version of Suicide Squad 2 will just be a carbon copy of something he’s already done, which saw DanielRPK shoot back, “But I did hear that’s what him and the studio want their own version to GotG…”

Suicide Squad

Prior to James Gunn coming on board (he is writing a new script and directing), Gavin O’Connor was attached to direct Suicide Squad 2.

“From what I heard it was about them on a mission in the Middle East saving a girl with superpowers,” DanielRPK said about the earlier story. “Guys in crazy outfits and cars fighting in the desert.”

Another fan chimed in mentioning Black Adam, but he was a part of an earlier script.

“Black Adam was only involved in the very first draft. He was dropped later on and it was about them saving the girl from an organization who wants to use her as a weapon of mass destruction,” DanielRPK tweeted. 

Another fan then noted the plot to use the girl in Suicide Squad 2 was scrapped because the Birds of Prey movie is now using the idea to an extent. DanielRPK also added that he knows James Gunn is capable of doing different films than Guardians of the Galaxy, but he tweeted, “I’m aware. But that’s what WB want.”

Regarding Guardians of the Galaxy, the comic book version that inspired the movies was more dark and gritty and it was science-fiction, but Gunn took the characters and changed them drastically for the MCU general audience. It now looks like WB and Gunn are doing the same for Suicide Squad 2. 

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