James Gunn Comic-Con Appearance Cancelled

James Gunn Comic-Con Appearance Cancelled

In the wake of getting fired by Disney, it’s learned James Gunn’s appearance at Comic-Con has been cancelled, which looked to be for the director’s new horror movie that he was putting together with his brothers.

Gunn was said to be a part of today’s Sony Venom and Spider-Man panel, but now it’s reported he will not be there in attendance. 

I’m also guessing that James Gunn’s tweets getting released during the week of Comic-Con – and his subsequent firing from Disney, Marvel Studios and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 – is no coindence.

This week is the biggest “geek” week of the year with all the news, trailers and promos getting released as both fans and celebrites alike head to San Diego Comic-Con to celebrate their favorite pastimes.

So I believe that James Gunn was “targeted” this week because of the SDCC and because of his tweets attacking President Trump (as Fox News has reported).

James Gunn

James Gunn is known for having a “unique” sense of humor, but his tweets from 2008-2011 were twisted to say the least as they spoke about rape, pedophilia and more.

Gunn did get into trouble following having signed on with Marvel Studios and Guardians of the Galaxy back in 2012 for a series of “twisted” comic book blog posts, which saw him apologize for and take down the site, but the tweets are rather brutal.

While it has been ten years or so since the tweets, it is Disney we are talking about here, which has a reputation to hold up particularly with young children and families.

The news is still sinking in and fans are reacting.

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As the news just hit, there is currently no word about Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which was (is?) set to start filming early next year for its 2020 release date.

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