Fans React To James Gunn Getting Fired

Fans React To James Gunn Getting Fired

James Gunn is now trending on Twitter after the Marvel Studios director has been fired from Disney following a series of old tweets resurfacing that joked about rape and pedophilia.

Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn, who Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige reports to, released the following statement about Gunn’s dismissal from the company: “The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him.”

Fans are reacting and commenting on social media, with most in absolute shock.

Regarding why no one knew about the tweets earlier, I believe Disney did know about them as back when Gunn signed on for Guardians of the Galaxy in 2012, his controversial blog posts were criticized, which saw Gunn take down his website and apologize for.

James Gunn

However, with the #metoo movement, James Gunn’s old tweets from 2008-2011 were dug up, which reportedly was a result of Gunn’s constant Twitter attacks on President Trump. Interestingly enough, in one tweet, James Gunn criticized Roseanne Barr for her recent behavior and lauded her removal from the series citing how it could negatively affect Disney.

I’m in shock myself, and I’ll be honest, I haven’t been a fan of Gunn from the beginning (and we’ve butted heads on social media), but it’s still a sad thing to see happen.

James Gunn recently sent in his latest draft of Guardians of the Galaxy 3 to Marvel Studios and was set to start filming at the start of next year for its 2020 release date. As of right now, I find it hard to imagine anyone else directing the film, but I’m sure Kevin Feige will work things out. Some fans are already calling on Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi to do the movie, but I would honestly rather have Marvel Studios go a different route and make the Guardians films and characters similar to the 2008 Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning comics that inspired the flick, meaning intelligent science-fiction stories. Gunn was also spearheading the Marvel Cosmic Universe, so just what happens in the future remains to be scene, especially considering that following The Avengers 4, the MCU Phase 4 plans were/are going even more in the cosmic direction.

Our Facebook page and private FB group is currently getting lit up with comments; here are a batch of Twitter reactions:

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