James Gunn Fired From Guardians of the Galaxy 3

James Gunn Fired From Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Disney has fired James Gunn from Marvel Studios and Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

It’s reported James Gunn has been removed as director following a batch of old social media tweets and blog posts that have resurfaced that joked about pedophilia and rape.

Reportedly, the social media posts resurfaced as a result of James Gunn’s anti-president Trump tweets, with it said the effort was to knock Gunn down a few pegs in the wake of the #metoo movement.

Fox News reports Gunn’s tweets included:

 “I like when little boys touch me in my silly place.”


“The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!’”

Tweets from 2008-2011 also included mention about the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, AIDS, the holocaust and more.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn told Fox News in a statement.

Earlier saw James Gunn tweet out the following defending his “jokes.”

Update: James Gunn responds to getting fired.

Back when Gunn was first announced on Guardians of the Galaxy in 2012, after signing his Marvel Studios contract, he was forced to apologize for his blog posts as well.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was supposed to start filming at the start of 2019 for its 2020 release. A new director has not been named as of yet.

James Gunn Fired

James Gunn Fired

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