James Gunn Should Cast Armie Hammer As Green Lantern

James Gunn Should Cast Armie Hammer As Green Lantern

In the ever-evolving world of Hollywood, few stories have been as tumultuous as that of Armie Hammer.

Once a rising star with a promising career, Hammer’s life took a dramatic turn following serious allegations in 2021 that led to his career’s collapse. However, as the dust settles, a new opportunity might be on the horizon for Hammer—and it could come from an unexpected ally: James Gunn.

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A Controversial Past and a Possible Comeback

Armie Hammer’s fall from grace began in early 2021 when multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and cannibalistic fantasies surfaced, resulting in an LAPD investigation and Hammer’s subsequent exile from Hollywood. His projects were dropped, and he retreated to the Cayman Islands, where he took up work as a timeshare salesman.

Despite the accusations, the Los Angeles District Attorney ultimately decided not to pursue charges against Hammer in May 2023, citing a lack of sufficient evidence.

“Sexual assault cases are often difficult to prove, which is why we assign our most experienced prosecutors to review them. In this case, those prosecutors conducted an extremely thorough review, but determined that at this time, there is insufficient evidence to charge Mr. Hammer with a crime” said Tiffiny Blacknell, director of the Bureau of Communications at the L.A. D.A.’s office.

Hammer expressed his gratitude for the thorough investigation and the D.A.’s decision, responding on Instagram at the time, ““I am grateful to the District Attorney for conducting a thorough investigation and coming to the conclusion that I have stood by this entire time, that no crime was committed. I look forward to beginning what will be a long, difficult process of putting my life back together now that my name is cleared.”

A Return to Los Angeles—and a New Beginning?

Recently, Hammer made headlines once again when he returned to Los Angeles after his time in the Cayman Islands.

In an Instagram video posted on Tuesday, he shared his decision to sell his beloved truck, a symbol of his former life, because he could no longer afford the cost of gas.

“This is my truck. I bought this for myself in 2017 as a Christmas gift for myself, because I’ve had pickup trucks for a long time, and I have loved this truck intensely and taken it camping and across [the] country multiple times and on long road trips,” he explained. “Since being back in L.A., I have put about $400 or $500 worth of gas in it, and I can’t afford it. I can’t afford the gas anymore.”

Hammer went on to share that the truck was filled with sentimental value, recalling memories of camping with his kids and taking numerous road trips. “Here’s to new beginnings,” he said, mentioning that he’s trading it in for a car that will only require “10 bucks of gas in it a month.”

Hammer’s return to L.A. and his apparent financial struggles suggest that he might be open to new opportunities—perhaps even a return to acting.

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Why James Gunn Should Cast Hammer as Green Lantern

Enter James Gunn, the filmmaker who himself has a history of controversy.

Gunn was famously fired by Disney in 2018 from Marvel after old, controversial tweets resurfaced. However, he was soon hired by Warner Bros. and DC, and later rehired by Marvel for Guardians of the Galaxy following a wave of support from fans and colleagues. Gunn’s ability to bounce back from his own scandal makes him uniquely positioned to offer someone like Hammer a second chance. They share a similar experience of being publicly canceled and subsequently seeking redemption.

Hammer has long been a fan favorite to play superhero roles including Green Lantern. He played Batman in the defunct George Miller Justice League Mortal movie and the titular character in The Lone Ranger opposite Jonny Depp, another actor that comes with similar controversy. Hammer also starred alongside former Superman Henry Cavill in The Man From UNCLE.

Now, with Gunn at the helm of DC Studios, the stars could align for Armie Hammer as Green Lantern to finally happen. Not only would Hammer bring a strong screen presence to the role, but he also comes at a time when Warner Bros. is reportedly seeking to cast more affordable actors due to financial constraints (from what we have been told). Given Hammer’s current situation, he would likely be a cost-effective choice for the studio.

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Gunn’s Vision for Green Lantern in the DCU

James Gunn is currently in need of a Hal Jordan for his upcoming Lanterns series, which will also feature John Stewart.

Gunn has described Lanterns as a “terrestrial-based TV show” akin to True Detective, where two Green Lanterns act as space cops watching over Earth. “This is really a terrestrial-based TV show which is almost like True Detective with a couple of Green Lanterns who are space cops watching over precinct Earth,” Gunn explained. “In it, they discover a terrifying mystery that ties into our larger story of the DCU.”

The official press release for Lanterns describes the series as “this enormous TV event series follows intergalactic cops John Stewart and Hal Jordan as they uncover a dark mystery.”

Peter Safran, Gunn’s partner in steering the DCU, emphasized the significance of the show, saying, “It’s terrestrial-based, it’s got two of our favorite Green Lanterns – Hal Jordan and John Stewart…it plays a really big role in the main story that we’re telling across our film and television. This is a very important show for us.”

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A Strategic Move for Both Parties

Casting Armie Hammer as Green Lantern could be a mutually beneficial move.

For Hammer, it would offer a path back into Hollywood and a chance to rehabilitate his public image. For Gunn and Warner Bros., it would provide an opportunity to bring on board a talented A-list actor who might come at a lower cost, while also making a statement about redemption and second chances.

Hammer’s ability to embody the complex and heroic nature of a character like Hal Jordan could resonate with audiences, especially given his own personal journey. And for Gunn, this casting could be a bold, yet fitting, move.

As Hammer himself said in a recent interview, “Whatever it was that people said, whatever it was that happened, I’m now at a place in my life where I’m grateful for every single bit of it. I’m actually now at a place where I’m really grateful for it because where I was in my life before all of that stuff happened to me, I didn’t feel good. I never felt satisfied. I never had enough. I never was in a place where I was happy with myself.”

This newfound perspective could bring a depth to the Green Lantern character that audiences might not expect, but would certainly appreciate.

With the right direction and support, Armie Hammer could very well shine in the role, helping to elevate the Lanterns series while also signaling his return to the industry.

Is Gunn willing to take this leap? For both Hammer and the Green Lantern character, it might just be the fresh start they both need.

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