Inhumans Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Is In!


inhumans rotten tomatoes

ABC, Marvel TV and IMAX debut the Inhumans series this weekend, and its audience score over at Rotten Tomatoes is in!

Note: Marvel TV must not have showed Inhumans to the press for reviews because it presently has no critics score, which is the score used for Rotten Tomatoes’ “Fresh” or “Rotten” rating, but it does have an audience score–and it’s really bad!

The Rotten Tomatoes audience score for Marvel’s Inhuman is presently at only 47%! The score means only 47% of viewers liked it! So far, 308 fans have rated Inhumans at Rotten Tomatoes, which means about 164 people weren’t happy!

To put the 47% number for Inhumans into perspective, the lowest rated Rotten Tomatoes Marvel product is Iron Fist at 17%, but it’s audience score is at 77% (meaning 77% of the audience liked it)!

Update 10:30am EST: Word has gotten out and the Marvel fanboys have responded as Inhumans is now bumped up to 54% liking it, with 339 fan votes accounted for. 

Update #2: 11:05pm: The Inhumans audience score continues to rise and is now at 61% of the audience having liked it (426 votes). The critics score has yet to come in.

Update #3: 9/4/2017 11:35pm EST: Inhumans audience score has dropped to 55%, and the critics Rotten Tomatoes score is a lot worse.

We can speculate the critics reviews for Inhumans will be added this weekend and next week, as the bloggers and press sites need to go see the movie for themselves. I’ll be curious to see how many reviews Inhumans does end up fetching as it has a hefty IMAX ticket price of around $20, and in addition, the same episodes will air at the end of the month on ABC with additional content.

Marvel’s Inhumans is projected to make around $1.38 million for the 4-day Holiday weekend; the director of the IMAX episodes did state they were done on the cheap, so it’s possible the venture could be a success. 

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