Ian McShane Joins Game Of Thrones Season 6


Ian McShane is joining the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 6.

The veteran actor, known for Deadwood, John Wick, American Horror Story, Pirates of the Caribbean and Hercules, will be a part of Westeros in what is said to be a mystery role.

EW.com reports the news that details on McShane’s involvment in Game of Thrones are slim.

“The show’s tight-lipped production will not reveal any details about McShane’s character, who’s coming on board for the most mysterious season yet,” The site reports. “Thrones is preparing to dive headlong into narrative territory not yet revealed in author George R.R. Martin’s novels (and despite that opening sentence, McShane’s character could theoretically appear in Westeros or Essos or somewhere in between).”

What is known about McShane’s role is that he has a small amount of screen-time during the season, yet it’s said his character is of key importance.

Game Of Thrones is currently in production for Season 6, and most recently HBO stated they expect the series to go for ten seasons, with it also mentioned a possibilty for a prequel series.

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