Mark Ruffalo Wants Hugh Jackman Back As Wolverine Vs Hulk

Mark Ruffalo Wants Hugh Jackman Back As Wolverine Vs Hulk

With the X-Men returning to Marvel, fans are picking their favorite team-ups and crossovers, with Mark Ruffalo offering up he wants Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine to take on the Hulk.

“Well, of course, there’s always the Banner-Black Widow combo, which I think is always a good combination. It’d be cool to see — I mean, people talk a lot about Wolverine and Hulk hooking up, I think that would be a really great combo,” Mark Ruffalo told The Marvelists podcast. “And I love Hugh [Jackman], and it would be cool to do something with him, if he’s up to doing it. He’s always teased Hulk versus Wolverine would be pretty fun.”

While Hugh Jackman recently retired from the role of Wolverine with Logan, the actor did previously state he would think about coming back if he got the call from the Avengers.

“The Avengers would prove too much to turn down,” Hugh Jackman said a while back. “Because I always love the idea of [Wolverine] within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man but there are a lot of smarter people with MBAs who can’t figure that out [laughter]. You never know. At the moment, honestly, if I really did have them there, I probably wouldn’t have said this is the last [about Logan].”

Wolverine Avengers

Back in January also saw the Winter Soldier-actor Sebastian Stan offer up he recently spoke with Hugh Jackman about a return to Wolverine.

“Recently, I happened to be sitting next to Hugh Jackman,” Sebastian Stan said at Ace Comic-Con. “I didn’t know what other awkward thing I could talk about but to be like, ‘Am I going to see you soon?’ I don’t know. But he said a couple of things to me, and I’ll just leave it at that. Otherwise, I feel like I’m going to get into trouble with somebody. I asked him because I kept thinking he said whether or not that was, Logan, was supposed to be the last Wolverine thing or whatever, and he said to me, well I think he publicly said out there, which was like he’s been thinking about it, it’s on his mind. So, I don’t, he may be.”

Hugh Jackman

Likewise fellow Avengers actor Chris Hemsworth said he would like Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine.

“I mean, Wolverine, just because I love that character, you know what I mean?” Chris Hemsworth said about which Fox Studios character he would like Thor to team with. “I just love Hugh Jackman. Unfortunately, he died in the last movie, didn’t he? We can bring him back to life… Now that you’ve informed me that it’s a possibility, I’m going to get on the one phone and try to coax him over or convince him and see if he has one more in him.”

Back in December 2017 actually saw it said that the Disney and Fox deal was already done, with it claimed Hugh Jackman may appear as Wolverine in Avengers 4.

Recent rumors also offer that Marvel is really looking forward to moving forward with their X-Men Universe, and that they are especially excited about recasting Wolverine.

I think fans would love the idea of seeing Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine with the original Avengers actors, as it would sure be a shame if we don’t get to see them together now that all the characters will be under one roof. Who knows? Maybe Kevin Feige will give us all what we have been waiting twenty years to see–Wolverine in the yellow costume. 

Hugh Jackman

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