HRO Goes Big At Comic-Con With Mega NFT Hybrid Trading Cards

HRO Goes Big At Comic-Con With Mega NFT Hybrid Trading Cards

Over the Comic-Con weekend, I happened to run into the HRO team at the Jim Lee Batcowl signing where I chatted with them about their new “Dawn of DC” series and Mega Card.

HRO trading cards are not only collectible physical trading cards but are also crypto NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain using Immutable X. You can collect the physical trading cards and then scan each individual card using the Hro app and hold or even sell the NFT. I was told you can sell the NFTs on OpenSea and even hold them in Metamask, which now has the ability to show off NFTs in your wallet.

HRO is actually the first hybrid trading card and bridges different audiences as collectors of DC meet crypto, and vice versa. The crypto NFT crowd tends to be just as hardcore as the DC Comics fans, so it’s a perfect match.

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I was told that when Cartamundi pitched DC Comics the idea about the hybrid trading cards that DC immediately was excited and agreed to do the project right away (as previously mentioned, DC has their Batcowl NFT line, and WB also has their Web3 movie experience for movies including The Flash, Superman, and more).

I was also told that Cartamundi has plans to expand their hybrid NFT trading cards to other properties, where I mentioned something like hybrid NFT trading cards for the NFL would be huge.

I actually own a bunch of unopened Hro boxes of the first and second chapters, and HRO provided me with a box at Comic-Con (see below) which includes the epic Mega Card containing one larger-sized card, a pack of nine cards, and once scanned into the Hro mobile app, collectors will be able to redeem it for an all-new Dawn of DC: Titans Digital Pack.

I’m a hodler so I tend to keep the unopened packs, but below you can check out the video of a fan opening his Mega cards and packs.

I’ll say all the cards are of really high quality and the art is gorgeous.

The “Dawn of DC” Collection by Hro will be available through a limited sale on starting on July 31.

Check out the blog for more about the “Dawn of DC” Collection.

HRO Comic-Con “Dawn of Justice” and Mega card:

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HRO DC Cards | Opening HRO DC Cards from Comic Con 2023!!

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