Hawkman Coming To Arrow & The Flash Prior To Legends Of Tomorrow


Comic-Con saw confirmation that Hawkman will eventually join DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, which makes sense as Hawkgirl is a part of the series as well.

Now it’s being stated that Hawkman will first appear in Arrow and The Flash prior to the spinoff.

Word comes from EW.com, which states the Hawkman version will be Carter Hall. 

They also offered the following description:

Described as charismatic and wise beyond his years, Hawkman is a natural-born leader with an abundance of charm and confidence—well, that’s because he’s 5,000 years old. Much like the comic book iteration, Carter retains his memories of his past lives each time he is reborn, though his lover (aka Hawkgirl) is born anew. In other words, Kendra Saunders will have no idea who he is at first.

“Arrow” and “The Flash” premier the first week of October.

Hawkgirl from DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow played by Ciara Renee:

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