Hawkman Confirmed For DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow


With Ciara Renee playing Hawkgirl for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, it only makes sense we’ll eventually get to see Hawkman.

Tonight at Comic-Con saw confirmation that Hawkman will be a part of the series.

Deadline also notes Marc Guggenheim announced that the initial episodes of this season’s Arrow and The Flash will set the groundwork for the midseason series DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Caity Lotz also talked about reviving her character through use of the Lazarus pit: “We’ve seen on Arrowthe people who go into the pit aren’t the same person who come out. There’s the consequences of that now, and I at least want her to go nuts off her rocker.”

Ciarra Renee offered she is preparing for Hawkgirl by: “reading all the comic books, catching up on Arrow and The Flashand boxing and martial arts.”

The CW also released an “Hero Evolution” trailer for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow mashing footage with comic panels.

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