Gunfire & Violence Erupts At Floridan ZombiCon


Late last night saw five injured and one person killed by gunfire at Florida’s ZombiCon.

According to reports and the local police, four of the five people that were wounded were sent to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries; one victim died, 20-year old Expavious Tyrell Taylor, 20, of Okeechobee, Florida.

A manhunt is currently underway with the police asking for assistance in identifying the shooter.

Police Lt. Victor Medico said there “a lot of witnesses down here, there were a lot of people taking pictures, videos with their cellphone. Anything that could help with this investigation would be greatly appreciated.”

The annual Florida ZombiCon was expected to draw 20,000 people. The incident occurred at 11:45 pm ET, just fifteen minutes before the event officially ended.

Pushing DaiZies, Inc., a charity comprised of artists who created the event, released the following satement on Facebook: “We take the safety of our patrons very seriously and take precautions in hiring security and police officers. Our prayers go out to the family members and individuals involved in the incident.”

Anyone with information on the shooting or who may have cell phone footage/photos is asked to call the Fort Myers police at 239-321-7700 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-780-TIPS.

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