Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Won’t Be Guardians 3000


Fans of the original team of the Guardians of the Galaxy from the comics may have hoped the third MCU film would focus on the characters, as James Gunn included them in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Sylvester Stallone played Stakar, Michael Rosenbaum was Martinex, Ving Rhames was Charlie-27, Michelle Yeoh played Aleta, a CGI version of Krugarr was used, Mainframe was voiced by Miley Cyrus and of course Michael Rooker plays Yondu.

Marvel Comics also put out a Guardians 3000 comic book featuring the characters, and James Gunn was asked about the possibility of the comic being Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

“Nope,” James Gunn responded on Twitterr.

Gunn did previously state Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will feature the characters from the first two movies, but also said Guardians of the Galaxy 3 looks to be the last time they will feature the current iteration of the team, so who knows what could happen eventually.

Gunn is spearheading a Marvel Cosmic Universe of movies, so maybe one day the original Guardians will be featured again. Michael Rosenbaum did recently state he hopes for a return to the MCU.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 currently has no release date.

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