Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Passes First Movie’s Gross


Update: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has now passed the first movie’s gross with  a current U.S. total of $338,468,927 and an international gross of $450,100,000 for a current box office worldwide gross of $788,568,927. James Gunn also posted the following:

Pretty successful weekend for Guardians of the Galaxy fans. First of all, GotG Vol 2 today surpassed, in just four…

Posted by James Gunn on Sunday, May 28, 2017

Original article:

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has passed the $750 million dollar mark and is most likely on its way of besting the first movie’s box office draw of $773 million and change.

As it stands, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 currently has a worldwide gross of $750,106,722.

The current U.S. number is at $318,637,927, with foreign the box office at $431,468,795.

The 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy movie finished with a U.S. box office of $333,176,600 and an international  total of $440,152,029.

It’s possible Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will pass Guardians of the Galaxy next week or at the very least in the next couple of weeks.

I did prefer the sequel myself and particularly liked what Gunn did with Star-Lord, Yondu and Ego.

Some other current numbers for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 include:

• The sixth fifth best MCU movie (trailing GOTG, Civil War, IM3, Avengers 2, Avengers)

Sixth Fifth best movie of the past year in the U.S

• Sixth best Summer start

• Sixth best opening in May

• Eighth best PG-13 opening

James Gunn is also currently developing Guardians of the Galaxy 3

And for the “DC vs Marvel” wars, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has now passed Suicide Squad‘s $745.6 million worldwide gross, but has yet to pass Suicide Squad‘s U.S. gross (325m), with GOTG 2 only trailing by around $7 million. 

(numbers via box office mojo)

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