Green Lantern Guy Gardner Character Description Leaks


Green Lantern HBO Max character breakdowns and descriptions have leaked online offering details about Guy Gardner, Alan Scott, and Bree Jarta.

The descriptions look to be legit based on the leaked audition videos for Alan Scott and Bree Jarta.

Worth a mention is that the info and the audition videos might not be set in stone but at least offer what the characters are about and how they will be used in the series.

Unfortunately, and while no surprise, it seems the Green Lantern HBO Max series will be woke, with Guy Gardner coming off as the “white bad guy,” Alan Scott “the gay guy,” and Bree Jarta the “person of color” who gets discriminated against.

It’s obvious it’s not a “coincidence” as the official HBO Max description emphasizes Alan Scott is gay, as does the character breakdown, as does the audition scenes; with a Bree Jarta audition video all about racism as well.

Hopefully, they contain the wokeness and don’t sacrifice the story for the sake of political correctness as Hollywood is known to do and has ruined many of TV shows, movies, and comics.

Green Lantern Guy Gardner:

Guy Gardner: White Male, 30’s. A hulking mass of masculinity, as rendered in the comics. Guy is a personification of the hyper-patriotism found in the 1980’s that birthed Hulk Hogan and Rambo. However, Guy is still likable. He might act foolish, but he is not a fool. Guy loves his daughter and wife with all of his hard-partying, fast driving, hot tempered heart. But like many alpha males, there is a deep undercurrent of pain driving it all.

Green Lantern Alan Scott:

Alan Scott: White Male, 28 years old. From the outside, Alan is the model of early 1940’s. The image of a G-Man. Alan is handsome, clean-shaven and well dressed without a hair out of place. He has spent his young life trying to personify truth, justice, and the American Way. He is already a household name in L.A. and is seen as hero thanks to positive press coverage. However, for all of Alan’s honesty, there is one huge lie that follows him. He is a gay man. A fact that, in his era, could cost him his job, or even his life.

Green Lantern Bree Jarta:

Bree Jarta: Black, Female, 30’s. Few Lanterns take their commitment to the Corps and its purpose more seriously than Bree. Bree is half-human and it’s the half she’s worked hard to forget. Bree has an alien mother and a human father. However, she was raised on a more enlightened planet with an advanced society. Bree outworked her peers and earner her Ring only to find herself partnered with Guy Gardner.

Green Lantern HBO Max promo art:

Green Lantern HBO Max

(via CBM)

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