Grant Gustin Wants Joss Whedon To Direct An Episode Of The Flash


Joss Whedon just said he wouldn’t mind tackling the Black Widow movie, well, how about an episode of The Flash?

Members of the press caught up with Grant Gustin at Comic-Con where the actor let it be known that Whedon happens to be a big fan of the series.

“I met Joss Whedon last night,” reports CBR. “Yeah, that’d be really cool. He was a really nice guy and he loves the show. He’s seen every episode of the show.”

Joss Whedon recently directed Avengers and Avengers 2 for Marvel. At one time he was involved with a Batman and Wonder Woman movie at WB, which caused a bit of bad blood between the two, but that was years ago. Whedon has since left Marvel (but did state he wouldn’t mind returning), and with Whedon’s success on TV with Buffy, Angel, Firefly, etc., The Flash would be a perfect choice. 

I wouldn’t actually mind seeing Whedon jump ship and come on board the DCEU as well.

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