Gotham’s Cameron Monaghan Comments On Joaquin Phoenix Joker


There presently happens to be three Joker characters in the DC media universe with Jared Leto in Suicide Squad, Joaquin Phoenix in the Todd Phillips 1980s movie as Arthur Fleck, and then there is Cameron Monaghan in Gotham who plays Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska (sort of a pre-Joker).

Gotham is presently filming in NYC for its final season, with Phillips filming the solo Joker movie over in New Jersey; IGN caught up with Cameron Monaghan to get his take on Joaquin Phoenix.

“I am trying not to look at it too much because I just don’t want to make something that’s the same as what he is doing,” Monaghan said. “But it is inescapable.”

Monaghan went on to explain the difference between his version of the character and Joaquin Phoenix’s, which has been described as a “gritty character study.”

“[Gotham] is heightened, and has a tongue in cheek sense of humor about itself,” Monaghan said. “I think it is cool what they’re going to be able to do in an R-rated two-hour movie We indulge in being campy, or ridiculous, or fun in a way they probably won’t be able to do. It is a different goal and way of going about it, but I am excited to see what they do. Thankfully it is very different from what we’re doing.”

Check out pics of both Jokers:

Cameron Monaghan Gotham

Cameron Monaghan Gotham

Cameron Monaghan Gotham

Joaquin Phoenix Joker

Joaquin Phoenix Joker

Joaquin Phoenix Joker

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