Ezra Miller Out As The Flash


Say goodbye to Ezra Miller as The Flash which follows those recent allegations surrounding the actor’s behavior with young girls.

In Deadline‘s write-up surrounding The Flash movie which is similar to my own from yesterday, the site notes that sources have filled them in that “even if no more allegations surface, the studio won’t likely keep Miller in the Flash role in future DC films.”

So that means Ezra Miller is out as The Flash, which either could happen before or after the release of The Flash movie — that’s if it gets released.

Deadline adds that they have also heard the studio has tried getting help for Ezra Miller, but “the troubling headlines continue to pile up,” which sounds like it means Miller has rejected the aid of Warner Bros., something that seems evident by the fact Miller recently deleted his Instagram account while mocking a court about the whereabouts of an 18-year-old girl, Tokata Iron Eyes, whom he first befriended when she was only 12-year-old. Now her parents are seeking an order of protection alleging Ezra “uses violence, intimidation, threat of violence, fear, paranoia, delusions, and drugs to hold sway over Tokata.”

Recently also saw another 12-year-old get an order of protection against the actor for menacing and threatening her to the point he made her feel uncomfortable by hugging her and pressing his body close against her, as well as allegedly showing off a gun while wearing a bulletproof vest while on drugs.

The Flash movie Ezra Miller

The fate of The Flash movie

Regarding the fate of The Flash movie, Deadline says that is up to David Zaslav, the new CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery, where much like I reported, WB could release the flick in theaters with the hope the controversy will die down or release the film on the HBO Max streaming service, and another possibility is, similar to the Johnny Depp and Fantastic Beasts situation, to drop Miller from the flick while still promoting the movie:

“[Zaslav] can pull back on heavily promoting the summer 2023 film, confining it to some P&A and no publicity tour.”

“Or [Zaslav] can relegate it to streaming with HBO Max and take a write-down.”

“Or lean in toward making the movie a hit and then drop Miller if they can’t straighten things out.”

“There is no winning in this for Warner Bros,” a source fills in Deadline. “This is an inherited problem for Zaslav. The hope is that the scandal will remain at a low level before the movie is released, and hope for the best to turn out.”

Sources to Deadline also add:

Sources said even if no more allegations surface, the studio won’t likely keep Miller in the Flash role in future DC films. That would mean replacing him in the future, but there is still a $200 million investment on the line with the first film and Warner Bros execs have to be cringing at each new press report.

Some fans have brought up the question of whether WB could replace Miller in the movie with another actor, but that seems likely not to happen as the filming is already complete and Miller plays multiple roles in the film as part of the introduction of the DC Multiverse.

The Flash director Andy Muschietti is also involved in a controversy surrounding the film in that – in quite bad taste – Muschietti did the artwork for a cover of a DC Comics prequel comic book attached to the movie featuring a naked Ezra Miller. There are unconfirmed reports DC Comics is pulling the artwork, but DC has yet to officially make a comment.

The Flash presently has a June 23, 2023 release date and is set to re-introduce Michael Keaton as Batman to the DC films universe, which is why the movie is so important and really needs to have some kind of release as the Keaton Batman is being used in other DC films such as Batgirl and possibly Aquaman 2 which has its own problems with Amber Heard.

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