Donald Glover Cast In Spider-Man: Homecoming


It’s learned Donald Glover will be joining the ranks of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

THR reports Glover’s role is being kept a secret.

Donald Glover has been a fan-favorite choice to play the Ultimate universe version of Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and even embraced the concept when fans started a campaign for it.

Glover did voice Miles Morales for the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon as well.

Donald Glover is now 32-years-old, so more than likely he wouldn’t be playing Miles Morales Spider-Man, but it’s possible he could simply appear as “Miles Morales,” in the movie which would be a nod to the fans. 

Miles Morales also happens to be a Brian Michael Bendis-created character, and we know Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige recently booted Bendis from having any more involvement in the Marvel movies as part of Ike Perlmutter’s Marvel Comics creative committe that made a mess with things at Marvel Studios and previous films.

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” has a July 7, 2017 release also starring Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Michael Keaton, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori, Michael Barbieri and Kenneth Choi.

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