‘Doctor Strange 2’ Shows Off America Chavez Promo Art


A new piece of promo art featuring Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez for Doctor Strange 2 has surfaced online.

The art follows the recent Doctor Strange 2 trailer that featured a brief look at the actor and character (watch below).

Doctor Strange 2 Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez Promo Art:

Doctor Strange 2 In The Multiverse Of Madness

America Chavez is Marvel’s first Latin-American LGBTQ character

In the comics, America Chavez, aka Miss America, is a lesbian and Marvel’s first Latin-American LGBTQ character to star in an ongoing series.

It remains to be seen what Kevin Feige does with the character in the MCU as when Xochitl Gomez filmed Doctor Strange 2 she was fourteen or fifteen years old.

Marvel describes the character as:

Due to her past trauma and loner status, America often challenges authority and keeps others at arms’ length. She has a strong independent streak, which makes her less quick to gel into the team dynamic with the others. She openly rejects leadership, preferring to do her own thing and act in her own best interest. America knows how to use her powers very well (maybe too well), which can make her a little critical of the others’ flailing efforts. As America begins to trust her team and let them in, we will see her soften and become a better teammate and hero.

Her powers include superhuman strength, speed, and durability, and America Chavez possesses the ability to fly and open interdimensional portals, hence why it is thought Doctor Strange recruits her for In the Multiverse of Madness

Previous promo art also showed a look at Doctor Strange, Wong, Scarlet Witch, and Chavez. See below.

Doctor Strange 2 has a May 6, 2022 release date directed by Sam Raimi also starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, and Elizabeth Olsen, and follows the smashing success of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Doctor Strange 2 promo art:

Doctor Strange 2 trailer:

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