The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 5/29/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)

1. Next Testament #1 (of 13) (BOOM Studios):  Master of horror, Clive Barker, creates an all new comic that is sure to be as controversial as it is compelling. Steeped in religious overtones, this book follows one man’s descent into enlightenment and the rebirth of a creature that will either be worshipped by man or completely obliterate humanity all together! True horror begins with belief, and I believe Clive Barker has created something stunning!
2. Earth 2 Annual #1 (DC):  Although James Robinson may have left the DC stable as of late, we still get to enjoy a few more issues by the amazing scribe! This “farewell annual” will certainly leave fans clamoring as we get a definitive origin of Atom Smasher and the debut of the “all new” Earth 2 Batman! Speculations have run the gamut as to just who this Batman will be, everyone from Ted Grant to Hourman have been mentioned, but you will just have to wait and see for yourselves!
3. X-Men #1 (Marvel):  Okay, so how many X books are there now? Well, this one is special un to itself, and I’m not just talking about the all female roster either! Veteran scribe, Brian Wood (DMZ, The Massive) brings a cohesiveness to the group that is sorely missing in the other books and brings back an old X-villain that will be sure to please fanatical X fans! If you are looking for something new, exciting and overtly fantastic — this one’s for you!
4. B.P.R.D.: Vampire #3 (of 5) (Dark Horse):  Mike Mignola and the fabulous Ba’ and Moon brothers take Agent Anders directly into the “heart” of horror in this amazing tale of a man that has lost everything except is lust for revenge. But being focused solely on one target leaves you open for an attack from the peripheral, leaving you blindsided by something much worse than you were after! This is a fantastic tale about falling so far that when you eventually get the chance to stand up again, you can barely recognize yourself.
5. The Wake #1 (of 10) (Vertigo/DC):  Scott Snyder hangs up the cape and cowl long enough to bring an eerie tale of discovery and wonder that is 50% drama, 50% horror and 100% stunning! Revolving around a “sound” captured on tape, this tale is steeped in creepy suspense that may make you question going underwater anytime soon. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy Snyder’s Batman series, but he is truly a modern master of the horror genre! Find it while you still can!

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