Deathstroke Movie Still Happening

Deathstroke Movie Still Happpening

The Deathstroke movie is still happening says Joe Manganiello!

Joe Manganiello was asked about Deathstroke at the premiere for the Rampage movie.

“There are things in the works,” Manganiello said. “That’s all I can say.”

The actor was set up as Slade Wilson in the post-credits scene to Justice League along with Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom. It’s also been said Deathstroke was supposed to appear in Ben Affleck’s Batman.

Since Zack Snyder departed Justice League and the movie didn’t do all that well, and since Ben Affleck also left The Batman, there has been question if the Deathstroke movie would ever get made.

While Joe Manganiello didn’t specifically confirm the movie, at least he didn’t say he didn’t know or that it wasn’t happening.

Watch the Justice League post-credit scene:



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