Deadpool’s Tim Miller Directing Terminator


James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger said Terminator will be back, and it is!

It’s become known that Deadpool director Tim Miller will helm a new Terminator movie in collaboration with James Cameron as Skydance Media, the production company behind Terminator, posted the following announcement on social media, which states Tim Miller will be a part of a screening and conversation with James Cameron about Terminator 2.

The announcement states: Join filmmakers James Cameron and Tim Miller on the Paramount Lot for an exclusive conservation with The Hollywood Reporter’s Matt Belloni about their collaboration on the upcoming Terminator.

terminator tim miller james cameron arnold

Last month saw Arnold Schwarzenegger state a new Terminator is set to film next year. Details for the new Terminator movie include that is has been said to be an origin story centering on why Arnold Schwarzengger’s character’s body was used as a model for the Terminators.

James Cameron, who is getting the Terminator rights back, offered the following to Arnold Fans last month:

“You got to ask yourself, ‘Why did they make these characters look and sound like Arnold? There has to be a reason. So yeah, it has flashed through my mind that there has to have been a prototype. There has to have been a guy who’s DNA was harvested from – that they grew the organic outer layer that they grew the Terminator from…and that presumably was a real person at some point. Now, the question is, did that person have some sort of meaning to Skynet on WHY they chose that one (Arnold)? Or was it like a whole rack of Terminators and the one that happened to be the Arnold model just happened to be closest to the door going out to the time displacement center and all the others looked different? I’ve asked myself these questions but it’s never been resolved…so stay tuned! We’re talking pretty seriously now about doing some new Terminator films or possibly a trilogy and you’ll just have to see what surfaces in those.”

Regarding Tim Miller on the new Terminator, it’s been said he butted heads with Ryan Reynolds over wanting a larger budget and more effects for Deadpool 2, which led to creative differences and his departure from the movie; so we see Miller looks to be right at home with Terminator.

Here is the full announcement about Tim Miller and James Cameron’s Terminator event:

Terminator: A Conversation with James Cameron and Tim Miller

Tue, September 19, 2017
7:30 PM – 11:30 PM PDT

Paramount Pictures
5555 Melrose Avenue
Paramount Theatre
Los Angeles, CA 90038


Join filmmakers James Cameron and Tim Miller on the Paramount Lot for an exclusive conservation with The Hollywood Reporter’s Matt Belloni about their collaboration on the upcoming Terminator.

The conversation will be followed by screening of Terminator 2: Judgment Day in 3D!

Register now for tickets. A limited number of tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. Schedule and programming subject to change. Please note that all cell phones/recording devices will be collected by security upon entering the theater and redistributed immediately afterwards.

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