‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Ticket Sales Not Good?

deadpool wolverine ticket sales not good

We get some insights into the ticket sales for Deadpool & Wolverine which went on sale Monday, where apparently, they might not be all that good, or at least not as good as they possibly should be if you consider the movie something like a “Spider-Man” or “Avengers-level” flick (I do).

While Fandango tweeted Deadpool & Wolverine ticket sales are their best for 2024, is that really stating much?

Likewise, Fandango also said it’s the best for a Deadpool movie, but again, so what?

The biggest opening of the year (it’s only been five months) is Dune Part Two with $82.5 million, which has a $859 million box office.

The first Deadpool did open to $132 million ($782M worldwide gross) and the second one lower at $125 million ($730M worldwide gross), so at least for the first day of sales, Deadpool & Wolverine is performing better.

deadpool wolverine fandango ticket sales

What about 2023?

We see Fandango didn’t say it’s their best presale numbers in a certain amount of years or even that it made their top ten.

Last year, Taylor Swift took the #1 spot and made it to the top ten.

Again, Fandango didn’t mention anything about Deadpool & Wolverine making their top ten.

In their official press release about Taylor Swift from last year, it was revealed Taylor Swift brought in $26 million in ticket sales on the first day. The press release pointed out it beat the previous record held by 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home with $16.9 million.

Now before the shills and trolls get on my case, I’m not stating Deadpool & Wolverine is a failure, I’m stating it’s no Spider-Man or Avengers: Endgame (and likely not even a Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness which opened to $187M).

Update: THR confirms what I have been saying and says Deadpool & Wolverine ticket sales look to be around $8-9 million.

Worth a mention is that Deadpool & Wolverine happens to be rated R and a “hard R” at that.

I actually thought something might have been up regarding ticket sales as originally I purchased my tickets for Thursday previews in my hometown; however, I am going to be in San Diego when Deadpool & Wolverine premieres during Comic-Con.

So we booked our tickets last night for a Thursday screening. Check out the theater. I was surprised, it’s pretty empty:

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