Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Coming To Comic-Con

Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Coming To Comic-Con

While Marvel Studios will be skipping out on Comic-Con once again, no worries as Fox Studios has you covered with “The Deapool 2 Super Duper $@%!#& Cut.”

The San Diego Comic-Con has released their Saturday schedule where it’s confirmed Fox Studios will be holding a Deadpool 2 panel with star Ryan Reynolds expected to be in attendance.

In addition, at 10pm the “The Deapool 2 Super Duper $@%!#& Cut” will be screened for SDCC attendees, which is thought to be the uncut extended version.

Deadpool 2 Extended Cut

Earlier this year did see director David Leitch confirm an extended cut would be released (thought to be for the Blu-Ray and home video), but it looks like Comic-Con is where the Deadpool 2 extended cut will make its debut.

In addition to Fox Studios bringing Deadpool 2, Warner Bros. will also be bringing a DC Film panel on Saturday with Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam!

Check out the Satuday details below.

Sony also has plans for a Venom and Spider-Man panel on Friday

Deadpool 2 Extended Cut

Saturday Comic-Con

– 10:30am Warner Brothers Theatrical

Get a first look at the studio’s highly anticipated future releases. Films and special panelists TBA.

Saturday July 21, 2018 10:30am – 12:30pm 

Hall H


– 5:15pm Deadpool 2 Panel

Prepare for the ultimate superhero landing as Deadpool and pals drop into Hall H for an hour of maximum effort. Expect dirty jokes, broken fourth walls, maybe some spandex, and real, live unicorns!* *Panel may not actually include mythical creatures.

Saturday July 21, 2018 5:15pm – 6:15pm 

Hall H


– 10:00pm Deadpool 2 Screening

Deadpool is bringing a little something special to Comic-Con. Be the first to see a special screening of Deadpool 2 and maybe some surprises. Deadpool costumes are encouraged, but not required, but give it your maximum effort.

Saturday July 21, 2018 10:00pm – 12:00am 

Horton Grand Theatre

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