DCEU Changes Following Justice League

DCEU Changes Following Justice League Disappointment

What should comes as no surprise, it’s being reported Warner Bros. is giving the DCEU an overhaul following the disappointment of Justice League.

Variety reports DCEU co-runner Jon Berg will step away from his duties and will now be a producer for Warner Bros.

Geoff Johns is expected to stay on as DC Entertainment’s chief creative officer, with it said Johns’ role going forward “may evolve, and could be more advisory in nature.” The report makes no mention of Johns being DC president, and says Johns still reports to DC president Diane Nelson.

In addition, it’s suggested further changes include that both Jon Berg and Geoff Johns will not be receiving full producer credits on future DCEU movies like they did with Justice League, and that Warners Bros. is expected to name a new person to run point on the DCEU films.

It’s noted both Jon Berg and Geoff Johns were intimately involved in the production of Justice League.

Justice League

Further changes include that it’s likely Ben Affleck’s last appearance as Batman will be in the upcoming movie for The Flash, with it also said Matt Reeves wants to cast the new Batman with fresh talent as well for his solo flick.

It’s reported Zack Snyder will not be directing another DC movie, but is still involved as a producer and executive producer on several DC films.

It’s also said that Warner Bros. Picture Group President Toby Emmerich is considering integrating the DC films into the main Warner Bros. movie division as the DCEU presently is separate on the lot.

Justice League

WB’s parent company, Time Warner, is said to have supported the moves as the corporate leaders are unhappy with the financial performance of Justice League (current box office at $572 million), which had a budget of around $300 million. It’s said Justice League was expected to be the answer to Marvel’s The Avengers, which made $1.5 billion back in 2012.

Time Warner is also said to be unhappy with those that made the decision to keep Zack Snyder on following Batman vs. Superman, and they are upset that each DCEU movie has made less money than the one that preceeded it, except for Wonder Woman.

Justice League

Regarding the Justice League movie, the studios is reported to be unhappy with the initial dark cut of Zack Snyder’s version and are unhappy with how Steppenwolf was received citing the “principal antagonist was faulty” in that “many reviews were particularly harsh about Steppenwolf, criticizing the character for being one-note and the product of unconvincing visual effects.”

The execs are said to be happy with how Justice League introduced both Ezra Miller’s The Flash and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman.

Up next for the DCEU is James Wan’s Aquaman for December 2018; Shazam! is in development for an April 2019 release, the Wonder Woman sequel has a November 2019 release, and a movie for The Flash (said to be Flashpoint) is in development.

What do you think of the DCEU Justice League changes? Let us know in the comments below. 

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