DC Comics Cancels Gay Robin

DC Comics Cancels Gay Robin

After only ten issues, DC Comics has canceled the gay Robin which comes with the solicitations for the June 2023 comics.

Robin was changed to a gay bisexual character by DC Comics back in 2021 with the release of Batman: Urban Legends #6 after being straight for 30 years in the comics.

The end of the issue features Robin, who previously dated girls, coming out and accepting a date from his friend, Bernard, after the pair battle Chaos Monsters.

The gay Robin is Tim Drake who got his own series last September but we see it wasn’t popular enough with fans to carry its own weight as DC Comics has now canceled the title.

Last year also saw the gay Superman ongoing canceled by DC Comics but relaunched with only a mini-series by Tom King who is advising James Gunn on the similarly titled Superman: Legacy movie as part of the new DCU.

Here is the solicit info and cover art for the final issue:



Art and cover by NIKOLA ČIŽMEŠIJA

Variant cover by GLEB MELNIKOV

DC Pride variant cover by TRAVIS MOORE

$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)

ON SALE 6/27/23

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