David Tennant Joins Animated Chew Movie


David Tennant has joined the cast of the upcoming animated Chew movie.

THR reports Tennant will play Mason Savoy, the mentor to the lead character turned villain.

Tennant, known for Doctor Who, joins Walking Dead‘s Steven Yeun and Felicia Day for Chew.

Chew is described as:

Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he’s a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn’t mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. He’s been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.

The Chew animated movie may be released straight to video and is being directed by Jeff Krelitz, with Chew co-creator John Layman writing the script.

At one time a Showtime series was in development, but has been since passed on.

Tennant is also starring in Marvel’s Jessica Jones Netflix series.

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