Daredevil Future At Netflix Uncertain

Daredevil Future At Netflix Up In The Air

Following both Iron Fist and Luke Cage getting the axe, it’s questioned if there is a future for Marvel at Netflix, particularly with Daredevil.

Now the Daredevil showrunner admits he is as much in the dark regarding Marvel TV’s Netflix future as the rest of us, which can’t be a good sign.

“I don’t know what the future holds in terms of Netflix and Marvel and the new Disney streaming service and all of that,” Erik Oleson told Indie Wire. “I’m not really privy to any of that stuff. That’s way above my pay grade. But who knows what the future holds? I wouldn’t put it past anyone that [Iron Fist] comes back in some other form.”

Regarding the cancellation of Iron Fist, Olseson says it was a hard blow.

I’m close, personal friends with [Iron First showrunner] Raven Metzner and a number of folks who worked on that show, and I’m sad for my friends,” Oleson said. “The Marvel shows are a family. As the showrunner of Daredevil, I’m always rooting for my fellow showrunners and their families, and it was a hard blow. I’m not going to lie. I took Raven out for drinks on Saturday night and we commiserated. It was heartbreaking news.”

Marvel TV Daredevil Netflix

As noted, Disney has their own streaming service coming out next year with Disney Play, which will be in competition with Netflix, so news of the Marvel Netflix cancellations doesn’t come as too much of a surprise.

In addition, it’s actually rumored Daredevil and the Marvel Netflix shows will be canceled, possibly because viewership has declined dramatically, as social media buzz surrounding the shows has plummeted.

If the Marvel TV Netflix shows do get canceled at Netflix, fans are hoping the MCU incorporates the characters or simply that the series moves on over to the Disney Play app.

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