Cyborg Ray Fisher Movie In Doubt

Cyborg Ray Fisher Movie In Doubt

Following the Justice League movie, it’s learned that Ray Fisher, who plays Cyborg, has been cast in a role for HBO’s True Detective Season 3.

It’s reported that Ray Fisher will play a series regular in True Detective Season 3, which may shed doubt that Warner Bros. is moving forward on a solo Cyborg movie.

Ray Fisher was also supposed to star in a solo movie for The Flash when director Rick Famuyiwa was attached, but now a Flashpoint movie is being developed in its place.

Justice League failed to deliver at the box office, and with WB’s DC movie division getting restructured, a Cyborg movie may not happen (which has actually been rumored for some time). notes that Ray Fisher was supposed to appear as Cyborg in Justice League 2, but plans for the sequel have been pushed back. Now with Ray Fisher filming True Detective this year, it is said it takes him off the board for filming on any DC movies in 2018.

Justice League only made $656 million at the box office and the future of the Justice League DC movies has been mired in controversy and rumor ranging from Zack Snyder’s cut not getting released to Ben Affleck leaving Batman.


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