COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 3/19/2014



By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you to at least check them out, which can be worth exponentially more than just words to the companies that publish them! Enjoy!



1.  Noah (Image):  This movie adaption hardcover not only has a stunning cover by the world renowned, Niko Henrichon, but he does all the interior art as well! The linework and layout of this image exudes desolation, a single man bearing the weight of the world, no one could have conveyed that powerful of a thought more beautifully than Henrichon. This cover is so pristine and epic that it is overwhelming!




2. Trinity of Sin: Pandora #9 (DC): From the foreground pose to the choice of illuminating the background in an onslaught of baby blue, Julian Totino Tedesco, made all the right choices to make this cover pop off of the racks! The slightly diluted painting scheme is truly beautiful and helps solidify the main character in her new role of warrior of the light. It is almost heavenly in scope and astonishing to behold!




3. Daredevil #1 (Variant Edition) (Marvel):  This variant edition by Paolo Rivera, was originally petitioned as a color piece with Daredevil’s suit in a crimson red. I think this stark black and white version is even more eye catching than the original thought and helps to accentuate the graphic background design that Rivera meticulously laid out. While the foreground image of DD is done very well, it is the background that makes this cover great for me. Not only does it offset with the foreground image but it also represents the story well in regards to acting as a maze. It mimics DD’s disadvantage of being in a new city perfectly, making the whole book something special.




4. Harbinger: Bleeding Monk #0 (Variant Edition) (Valiant):  Clayton Henry is a master of mixing digital and painted art to make some of the most outstanding covers on the market today. This one is no different but the layout is done so exceptionally well, that it blows everything else away! The forced perspective is amazing, making you feel as though the focal point is literally floating above you. The central image alone can sell this book, but Henry made the background colors a complete juxtaposition to the foreground, creating a solid piece that is truly stunning!




5. Thor: God of Thunder #20 (Marvel):  Do I need to say anything about this cover? Does anyone create a Thor cover better than Esad Ribic? “I say thee, nay!” This image is pure power, pure strength and pure excitement! The detail Ribic puts into “old” Thor is astounding but just look at, even “older,” Galactus in the background!  The eye has so much to take in it’s dizzying! There is not one inch of this cover that doesn’t make the inner fanboy in me squeal with glee. ’nuff said!

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