J.K. Simmons Wants To Return To Spider-Man


With Marvel recently announcing a new Spider-Man, cast announcements will eventually be forthcoming.

While it appears as if the Sony/Marvel deal will reboot Spider-Man, actor J.K. Simmons says he wouldn’t mind reprising as J.Jonah Jameson, editor of the Daily Planet.

In an interview on Howard Stern that took place at the end of January, Simmons actually said he heard something is going on.

Stern mentions how great of an actor Simmons is, who has been “entertaining us for years,” as well as states Spider-Man is one of the greatest movies ever made. Robin then interjects with mention, “There were three of those” with Howard adding, “Are we doing another one?”

“I just heard that’s a possibility,” Simmons replied.

Stern then flat out asks, “Would you do it?”

“Absolutely,” says Simmons.

J.K. Simmons played J.J Jonah Jameson in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies to much critical and fan acclaim.

Simmons will be starring in the upcoming Terminator: Genisys movie as well as King Kong: Skull Island.

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