Captain America 4 Problems: Fans Sick Of Disney Politics

captain america 4 test screening politics bad acting action scenes

We get some potential insights into the problems surrounding Captain America 4, where worth a mention is that Marvel recently changed the title and pushed back the movie release date by an entire year.

Those problems are again said to include lackluster action scenes, with it further claimed a Captain America 4 test screening revealed fans really didn’t like the politics, as well as the acting in the movie.

captain america brave new world anthony mackie harrison ford

Title / release date change

Marvel changed the official title from “Captain America: New World Order” to “Captain America: Brave New World.”

Essentially, the titles mean the same thing, which is a reference to the “NWO” — a globalist socialist one world order (also the same title of the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier).

“Brave New World” is a reference to the 1931 dystopian novel published by Aldous Huxley that is described as a “profoundly important classic of world literature.” The book “is a searching vision of an unequal, technologically-advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order–all at the cost of our freedom, full humanity, and perhaps also our souls.”

The release date has been moved from to July 26, 2024 (now held by Deadpool 3) to February 14, 2025, said to be to due involving reshoots and rewrites to fix the movie.

Anthony Mackie as Captain America

Fans sick of Disney politics

Well, it seems fans are sick of the Disney politics and propaganda that has infected everything from the company, including its Parks, Films and TV brands and divisions, including Marvel.

According to rumors via Twitter about a test screening held, fans didn’t like the action scenes, the bad acting, and particularly didn’t like the politics.

Regarding the action scenes, it has already been rumored that Marvel is reshooting at least three big action sequences in the movie. Reportedly, the changes are happening because they’re not as good as the previous Captain America films.

The bad acting is said to involve star Anthony Mackie and Xosha Roquemore, as apparently, fans feel the two lack on screen chemistry in the test screening.

Regarding the politics, the rumor claims this is the biggest problem with Captain America 4:

Apparently audiences were unimpressed by the film’s action scenes and the chemistry between Cap and his love interest. However, the biggest issue was how audiences responded to the film’s political content. You might think this’d mean audiences found it divisive, but it was actually worse than that: they found it boring. I’m told that the overall feel was that the political material was “uninspired and unengaging” that audiences found it lacked nuance, was overly expository, and really slowed the movie down.

anthony mackie captain america

Captain America test screening rumors

Here are the Captain America 4 test screening rumors via Twitter:

I’ve been able to get some insight into what some of the main issues were at the Captain America: Brave New World test screenings. Apparently audiences were unimpressed by the film’s action scenes and the chemistry between Cap and his love interest. However, the biggest issue…

… was how audiences responded to the film’s political content. You might think this’d mean audiences found it divisive, but it was actually worse than that: they found it boring. I’m told that the overall feel was that the political material was “uninspired and unengaging”…

…that audiences found it lacked nuance, was overly expository, and really slowed the movie down. I’m also told that while the “three sequences that will be removed” were a big part of the problem, the film’s issues go beyond that and will likely include…

…significant rewrites throughout as well as adding/removing characters. I’m told that Marvel really wants to keep the summer window for reshoots in order to avoid another release date delay…

…not just because it’d mean vacating what they feel is a good release date for the film, but because, as usual, delaying this film would result in a domino effect whereby it would likely mean delaying others.

My understanding is that the issue was the chemistry between Mackie and Roquemore, but please take that with a grain of salt.

captain america 4 rumors

Source: Twitter

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