Bryce Dallas Howard Wants To Play Captain Marvel


Bryce Dallas Howard in a Marvel movie? Who is the first character that comes to mind?

For me, it’s Medusa of the Inhumans (obviously with the red hair), but while promoting Jurassic World, Bryce Dallas Howard tells Cinema Blend the following about potentially playing Carol Danvers in a Captain Marvel movie.

Oh my God, will you write that? Will you write that please? Yes, let’s start a campaign now. That would be rad. Those movies are so fantastic, because talk about just these incredibly drawn characters! That’s the joy of the comics, is that you fall in love with these characters and it’s who they are that carries you from journey to journey to journey… it’s not just about set pieces. It’s really about who these people are, and so, yes, I just would love to be in a Marvel film.

While the actress technically did have a role in a Marvel movie, it was for Sam Raimi back in 2007 as Gwen Stacy for Spider-Man 3, enough time has probably passed where she could play a new character.

As of yet, Marvel hasn’t announced anyone for Captain Marvel, but the rumor mills and fan speculation has been churning out names including Jessica Chastain, Emily Blunt, Katheryn Winnick and most recently Charlize Theron.

Jurassic World opens Friday.

Captain Marvel has a November 2, 2018 release date.

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