Bryan Singer Suggests Mystique X-Men Spinoff Movie


Anybody up for a Mystique X-Men spinoff movie?

X-Men: Apocalypse director Bryan Singer recently appeared on an Empire Online podcast and suggested he thinks it’s a good idea.

“I think [Mystique’s] right for [a solo movie], whether it’s Jennifer or not,” Singer said. “[Mystique] as this different view of the world. Xavier can get into Cerebro and look at the world but he’d rather just teach classes and see the beauty of mutants and humans co-existing in his mansion in Westchester. Along comes Raven with a reality check on the state of the world. It opens up a lot of avenues.”

Mystique has appeared in six X-Men movies to date, with Rebecca Romijn first playing the character. Though Lawrence happens to be a more popular actor, I would have to say a majority of fans prefer the Rebecca Romijn version, which is more of a villain, similar to the comics.

The Jennifer Lawrence Mystique has become too much of a hero, at least in my opinion, and was a pretty weak character overall in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Honestly, I would much rather prefer a Psylocke spinoff movie or even Quicksilver.

(via THR)

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