Bryan Singer Hints At X-Men Reboot


It’s been speculated by us that Fox and Bryan Singer are going to reboot the X-Men with the latest movie, X-Men: Apocalypse, due to the main actors apparently not returning for any more films and the fact they are introducing younger actors for Jean Grey, Storm, Nightcrawler and Cyclops.

Our thinking is that Fox wants to bring the X-Men into the hear-and-now instead having of all the different timelines created by the original X-Men movies, X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days Of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse.

Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult and Michael Fassbender have stated they either aren’t returning or haven’t been signed on for additional movies. X-Men: Apocalypse also looks to be the final film for Ian McKellen, and Patrick Stewart may be suiting up one last time with Jackman in the sequel to The Wolverine.

Now Bryan Singer lends credence to the theory of the X-Men reboot as he told Entertainment Weekly that X-Men: Apocalypse is the “truth birth” of the X-Men, which is an interesting statement as Singer was responsible for the first X-Men movie back in 2000.

Here’s the blurb from Singer:

This is kind of a conclusion of six X-Men films, yet a potential rebirth of younger, newer characters. This is the true birth of the X-Men. This is how it happens.”

What’s going to be interesting down the road is the new Wolverine in addition to how Channing Tatum’s Gambit and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool fits into the new X-Men universe.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters,  Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Issac.

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