Bryan Cranston Explains Why He Turned Down Lex Luthor & Commissioner Gordon


Recently, Zack Snyder questioned how different Batman Vs. Superman would have been if Bryan Cranston played the role of Lex Luthor.

Now it’s also learned that Bryan Cranston was up for the role of Commissioner Gordon in the Justice League movie and Batman films for the DCEU.

In a promo for Kevin Smith’s AMC series Geeking Out, Bryan Cranston is asked about playing his dream villain character where mention of Lex Luthor as well as Commissioner Gordon is made. Interestingly enough, Cranston did provide the voice of Gordon in the Batman: Year One animated movie.

“Villain-wise… I’m intersted in creating a role. I’d love to do something that hasn’t been done before,” Cranston said. “Lex Luthor has been… there’s been a lot of that. I’ve been asked to take a look at Commissioner Gordon. That sort of thing, and it’s like ‘I would be one in several..’ and it’s like ‘I kind of would like to carve out a new identity.’ Mr. Sinister has always been someone… It would be very cool…”

Bryan Cranston is executive producer on the SuperMansion animated series and provides the voice of Titanium Rex. Cranston is also starring as Zordon in the upcoming Power Rangers movie.

Regarding Mr. Sinister, the character is heavily speculated for The Wolverine 3.

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