Bring Back JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson For Spider-Man Reboot Launched


A petition has been launched to bring back J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson in future Marvel and Spider-Man movies.

Simmons played the character in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films.

Almost a year ago saw J.K. Simmons appear on the Howard Stern Show where the fan-favorite actor stated he would like to return.

“Absolutely,” Simmons responded when questioned if he would play J. Jonah Jameson again.

Marvel and Sony are currently rebooting Spider-Man with Tom Holland who will first appear in Captain America: Civil War, followed up possibly by a Doctor Strange appearance, and then the 2017 Spider-Man standalone movie.

You can head on over to to voice your support for the return of J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

It is without a doubt that casting JK Simmons in the role of J.Jonah Jameson was another perfect casting choice just like RDJ as Tony Stark. He was just so damn perfect in the original Raimi trilogy and to use anyone else is absurd. They didn’t even dare try recasting him in the Mark Webb reboot and only had a cameo as an email?!? That’s because they know that it’s impossible to get anyone else for this role and even though JK is 61 years old now, age doesn’t matter since he wont do much physical action and it would be the right first step into introducing us to the new Spider-Man.

Yes, I am very serious.

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