Booster Gold / Blue Beetle Movie Said To Be In The Works


It’s being said Warner Bros. is developing a Booster Gold / Blue Beetle movie which will be directed by Greg Berlanti, the producer behind the likes of Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Blindspot and Pan.

The info comes from Tracking Board who states the film will be more of a comedy superhero buddy cop movie, rather than the serious approach of Man of Steel and Batman Vs. Superman.

Blue Beetle was at one time wanted for Berlanti’s Arrow universe; however, DC shot them down and in turn suggested they use Atom. It’s long been speculated that Blue Beetle would be a part of the DC Cinematic Universe.

Regarding Booster Gold, SyFy was supposed to be developing a TV series for the character; however, that was seemingly swept under the rug as no news has surfaced for quite some time. Obviously, with this news, we see DC had other plans for the character.

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