DCU Batman Not Ready Reveals James Gunn

DCU Batman Not Ready Reveals James Gunn

We get an update on the DCU Batman from James Gunn while the DCU co-head promotes the release of the new Creature Commandos animated series.

The big DCU official announcement from January of 2023 included The Brave and the Bold with IT and The Flash director Andy Muschietti attached to the project.

dcu batman brave and the bold

What does James Gunn say about Batman?

During an interview with Josh Horowitz, James Gunn dropped an update on the status of The Brave and the Bold. Gunn revealed that the project isn’t moving forward yet because he doesn’t feel the script is ready. He reiterated his stance that he won’t greenlight any project unless there’s a script he’s fully satisfied with:

Other things aren’t quite there yet. Booster Gold isn’t quite there. Waller isn’t quite there. Brave and the Bold isn’t quite there. They’re not quite where I want them to be, yet.

The Brave and the Bold is also not expected to feature the origin of Batman. Gunn has said the origin has been done already and that he doesn’t want to see it again. The same for his Superman.

What is the DCU Batman about?

The official description states the DCU will introduce its Batman and Robin in this unusual father-son story inspired by Grant Morrison’s comic series.

It’s known the Robin of choice Gunn is going with is Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul.

“This is the introduction of the DCU Batman,” said Gunn at the first DCU press event. “Of Bruce Wayne and also introduces our favorite Robin, Damian Wayne, who is a little son of a bitch.”

Gunn continued, “Assassin, murderer who Batman takes on, who is Batman’s actual son that he doesn’t know exists for the first 8-10 years of his life….it’s a strange father and son story about the two of them and based on Grant Morrison’s run of the Batman.”

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