Black Panther Passes Captain America: Civil War

Black Panther Passes Captain America: Civil War

There is no stopping Black Panther.

The Ryan Coogler-directed film has now passed Captain America: Civil War at the worldwide box office to become the fourteenth best release of all time.

Black Panther has a current worldwide box office gross of $1,182.5 billion to Captain America: Civil War‘s $1,153.3 billion.

Black Panther

Black Panther is also the #2 MCU movie domestically with $605.4 million and will shortly pass The Avengers ($623.357 million) to become the best-grossing MCU movie of all time in the U.S.

Black Panther will also be passing Iron Man 3 at the worldwide box office ($1,214.8 billion).

This week marked the fifth straight week of Black Panther being the #1 movie at the box office as it bested Tomb Raider ($23.5 million) with an estimated $27 million. Only two other movies in the past nineteen years have made it five straight times with Avatar and The Sixth Sense.

Black Panther

Black Panther sits at 97% on Rotten Tomatoes with 349 Fresh to only 11 Rotten.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has also confirmed they are developing Black Panther 2.

Here are the current box office charts:


MCU domestic box office


MCU domestic box office

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