Ben Affleck Leaves Rehab To Train; For Batman?

Ben Affleck Leaves Rehab To Train... For Batman?

Ben Affleck recently checked himself into rehab, as the actor suffers from problems with alcohol, but now it’s learned he is able to leave the facility in order to work out and train from home.

TMZ reports Ben Affleck left rehab Wednesday morning as the actor has permission to leave to work out at his home as long he travels with his sober coach.

According to the site, Ben Affleck has been allowed to leave rehab before for the same purpose, and now the training is said to be a part of his rehab regime.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck back as Batman?

Interestingly enough, director Matt Reeves is due to start filming the new Batman movie soon; so just maybe Affleck is staying in shape to keep up with the role? It would make sense that if Affleck is signed on for a new movie that he would need to keep up appearances.

Regarding rehab, Affleck’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, staged an intervention last month following Affleck having fallen off the wagon as images surfaced online of beer and booze being delivered to his house.

Reports state that when Ben Affleck was confronted about the issue, he agreed to go into rehab.

The 46-year-old actor has been batting addiction for quite a number of years, as he most recently checked into rehab in 2017, and also in 2001.

As for The Batman movie, it’s still unknown if Ben Affleck will be returning to the role, but Matt Reeves has previously hinted he wouldn’t rule out Affleck as his Dark Knight.

“There are ways in which all of this connects to DC, to the DC universe as well,” Reeves said. “We’re one piece of many pieces so I don’t want to comment on that except to say that I’m focused very specifically on this aspect of the DC world.”

It has also recently became known that Ben Affleck’s script for The Batman was actually really good, and not bad like the actor said, so it’s unclear what is exactly going on with Affleck and Batman.

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