Batman Ben Affleck Headed Back To Rehab


It’s reported that Batman star Ben Affleck is headed back to rehab, said to be for an extended period of time.

According to TMZ, Ben Affleck’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, staged an intervention to help her husband, with it said that Ben Affleck wanted the help and agreed to go to rehab.

It’s said Ben Affleck checked into rehab last night and will be there for a while, though the exact length of time is presently unknown.

Ben Affleck was recently photographed by paparazzi receiving a delivery of beer and liquor two days ago, which is said to be the tipping point and when Garner decided to intervene.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck

The actor recently turned 46 and has been connected to Playboy model Shauna Sexton, who told the magazine her go-to drink is “whiskey all day.” She also added, “Bourbon, for sure. I like whiskey and soda, which makes people cringe, but I like it.”

According to, a friend of Ben Affleck recently filled in People Magazine that “Ben is doing well. He is in a good place mentally and has worked really hard to get there. He continues to focus on himself and the health of his relationships. He attends meetings, many meetings, and he also does meditation and yoga. While he still has his moments — and let’s be honest, everyone struggles — he continues to work hard on himself.”

Jennifer Garner filed for divorce back in April 2017, but the two are not yet split and share three children together. 

Ben Affleck has been battling alcohol addiction for some time, as back in 2001 was when he first entered, and just last year the actor took to Facebook to reveal he completed treatment for alcohol addiction.

“I have completed treatment for alcohol addiction; something I’ve dealt with in the past and will continue to confront,” he wrote on Facebook. “I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be. I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step. I’m lucky to have the love of my family and friends, including my co-parent, Jen, who has supported me and cared for our kids as I’ve done the work I set out to do. This was the first of many steps being taken towards a positive recovery.”



Regarding his Batman role, it’s still unknown if Ben Affleck will be sticking around or leaving the DCEU.

Ben Affleck recently said he will return if things are right, as he departed writing and directing the new Batman movie with it said the script wasn’t up to his liking.

Matt Reeves is director and writing The Batman and has said he would like Affleck in the role; however, the most recent rumors and speculation have it that Reeves is going with a younger Batman for his flick. Affleck recently starred in Batman vs. Superman and Justice League. The Batman doesn’t have a release date announced, but has been said to start production Spring 2019.

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