Batman Vs. Superman To Be Less Profitable Than Man Of Steel


I just reported how Batman Vs. Superman is currently peforming 40% less than Man of Steel at the box office, and now it’s being said the Dawn of Justice will be less profitable for Warner Bros. as well.

Bloomberg reports Batman Vs. Superman will bring in a profit of $278 million to Man of Steel‘s $300 million, according to industry analyst Wade Holden.

Though there have been a slew of rumors suggesting Warner Bros. may make adjustements to their Justice League universe, the article notes WB is still pretty happy, otherwise they wouldn’t have announced release dates for two new DC Movies, with one thought to be Batman.

It’s also said Batman Vs. Superman will not reach a billion, and for BvS to be as profitable as the lower budget Man of Steel, it would have needed Avengers numbers: a gross of $1.15 billion worldwide.

“They have to be pretty satisfied; they probably aren’t elated,” said Matthew Harrigan, an analyst at Wunderlich Securities, who also thinks profits on Batman Vs. Superman will be lower than the estimated $278 million mentioned above.

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” is currently in theaters. “Justice League” starts filming April 11th.

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