The Batman: Part II: Matt Reeves Hints At A ‘Gray’ And Turbulent Gotham

Matt Reeves Hints At A 'Gray' And Turbulent Gotham

Following last week’s update that The Batman: Part II is on schedule to film next year and that the script is being completed, director Matt Reeves teases the plot elements of the sequel.

“There’s a lot of unrest”

Reeves obviously doesn’t give specifics but reveals the events from the first movie factor into the sequel in a big way, as he tells Digital Spy:

“There’s a lot of unrest and there’s a lot of clamoring because of the revelations of what we find out at the end of the [first] movie. There’s unrest in the streets to say, ‘Well, how could this be?’ The idea that this corruption extends as deep as it extends. In the first movie, Batman views things very simplistically, he sees things in black and white. What he can represent and how he can affect that.”

the batman robert pattinson

Won’t be so cut and dry

Reeves also says things won’t be so cut and dry in The Batman: Part II which could be a hint at the villain who might not be such a straight-up villain the way Riddler was in the first one:

“As we enter into the next movie, there’s a lot more gray. There’s a lot more people at odds. There’s a lot more division in the city. It’s a lot more like our world is now, there’s a lot of turmoil because people are in their camps, and they’re not communicating. How does Batman fit into that? Where do you fit? It’s not as clear as going, ‘Oh yeah, bad guy, I go after bad guys’. And when things are in gray, it makes it very hard to be Batman, so this is part of the challenge as we enter it.”

Matt Reeves Confirms The Batman: Part II Script Near Completion, Filming Begins Next Year

Who could be the villains?

It’s been said the sequel takes place in the winter and directly follows the events of The Batman. A winter setting could mean Matt Reeves’ take on Mr. Freeze who is a tragic villain as he takes to a life of crime to fund his research while trying to save his wife. This fits with that gray approach Reeves describes above as Freeze is trying to do something good while doing something bad. Batman might question himself deciding if taking down Freeze is the right thing to do or to let Freeze continue to do whatever he has been doing.

Another rumored villain is Hush who in the comics was actually Bruce Wayne’s childhood friend. Hush is the antithesis of Batman — who Batman would have become if he used is intelligence and wealth in an evil way. However, Hush seems to be more of a straight-up villain.

Of course, when it comes to the dual nature of things, Harvey “Two Face” Dent has to come to mind. Maybe Reeves will give us a more grounded take and make Two Face the villain of The Batman: Part II ? Any favorites? Drop a comment below.

The Batman: Part II has an October 2, 2026 release date. Colin Farrell will also be returning as Oz Cobblepot, and IMDb also lists Jeffrey Wright back as Gordon, and Andy Serkis as Alfred.

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