Batman & Ben Affleck Rumored For Suicide Squad


It’s being speculated/rumored that Batman will appear in the Suicide Squad movie.

A blogger for Forbes is stating he is hearing Batman and Ben Afflek may appear at the end of Suicide Squad involved with The Joker, which would lead into solo Batman films also starring The Joker.

A second rumor that surfaced says the Joker will escape from prison in the Suicide Squad movie.

If we put two and two together, we see how Batman is involved.

The rumor isn’t all that original as the Joker escaping from prison with Batman in pursuit follows Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel storyline, which is the inspiration for Batman Vs. Superman.

The blogger does note, of course, that nothing is set in stone.

Jared Leto is set to play The Joker and recently stated that “Batman is Dead” when a fan remarked that Batman is an unseen hero.

Tom Hardy is also said to have left Suicide Squad, possibly over not agreeing with the amount of screentime for his character, Rick Flagg, and disliking the script.

Suicide Squad has an August 6, 2016 release directed by David Ayer.

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