Avengers 4 Logo Revealed

Avengers 4 Logo

An image hits the net featuring The Avengers 4 logo!

What is said to be a crew jacket for The Avengers 4 features the logo in the color purple, which is pretty fitting as it is the same color as the Great Titan himself, Thanos!

Marvel Studios has yet to reveal the official title for Avengers 4, but I was told it is Avengers: Endgame, which fits with what Doctor Strange said in the movie.

As I mentioned, now that Avengers: Endgame leaked, maybe it will be changed

Interestingly enough, Zoe Saldana stated way back that the title is Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet, which fits with these major spoilers, so it will be interesting to see what Marvel Studios comes up with themselves.

Any ideas?

Avengers 4 hits May 3, 2019.

Avengers 4

Avengers: Endgame

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